
Heroism is not based on sacrifice, or even arriving at the exact moment to "save the day." Instead, true heroism involves creating a world in which you want to live. True heroes stand up against false heroes. They have a systematic philosophic foundation on which they base their actions; they do not act on pure whim.

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Blog posts

How Are Heroes Relevant To You
Clemens Lode
, posted on
March 11, 2023

What are False Heroes?

A true hero stands up to false heroes. We need to put philosophy in practice, the opposite of a hero is not the opponent but, instead, the passive observer.

Evolutionary Improvements
Clemens Lode
, posted on
March 11, 2023

The Advantage of Small Improvement Increments

When introducing agile methods, small improvements might lead to better results than a revolution. The advantage is the constant feedback you get at each step.


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Cover mit griechischen Statuen und dem Titel Philosophie für Helden, Wissen und Sprache

Philosophie für Helden: Erkenntnis (Wissen und Sprache)

Die Philosophie von Helden: Wissen und Sprache

Das Buch gibt eine Einführung in Heldentum, Weisheit, Ontologie, Erkenntnistheorie, Eigenschaften der Sprache, Mathematik und den Wert von Sprache.
Cover of the book Philosophy for Heroes: Knowledge, with two Greek statues in front of a blue sky

Philosophy for Heroes: Knowledge (Philosophy and Language)

True heroes don’t follow, they lead

An introduction to basic philosophical ideas, especially what exactly knowledge is, how language influences our thinking, and how we could define heroism.

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